The search for responsibly sourced gold for the Fairphone


Every smartphone contains dozens of different minerals, including precious metals such as gold. Our roadmap for mining involves responsibly sourcing minerals, starting with the four…

Managing your Digital Wellbeing 101


Nomophobia (n) Fear of not having mobile phone connectivity. It can cause panic or anxiety for the person experiencing it. It’s ironic how when mobile phones first made their…

Progress and challenges to improving working conditions with our Fairphone 2 manufacturer


When we began working with Hi-P in 2014 to produce the Fairphone 2, we made our goals for worker welfare clear: to collaboratively improve working conditions, employee engagement and…

Tin and Tantalum Road Trip


What happens when the minerals, tin and tantalum, leave their mines in DR Congo and make their way into the supply chain all across the world? And, how does it finally end up in a Fairphone?…

What’s in a Life-Cycle Assessment?


I suppose some (or most!) of you are concerned about the environmental issues related to the shiny, cool Fairphone-to-be, right? Some of you have already showed specific interest in…

Fairphone wants to increase global supply of responsible gold


Last Monday, members of the Fairphone team were in The Hague for the signing of a gold covenant, which aims to increase the supply of responsibly sourced gold. We were one of the signatories…

Zooming in on 10 materials and their supply chains


In February, I introduced you to the first steps of the materials scoping study that we completed with the help of The Dragonfly Initiative (TDI). To recap, we reviewed 38 materials…

How recyclable is the Fairphone 2?


From the dawn of the industrial era up to today, the majority of our products have been created according to the principles of a linear economy: we find resources, make a product, and…

Meet the Makers: The people behind your Fairphone


I’d like to introduce you to just a few of the people who make the Fairphone 3: Xu Shang Chao, Li Su Fang, and Zhao Hui Li. They all work at Arima (our final assembly partner) in…

Examining the environmental footprint of electronics recycling


As part of our mission to change how products are made, we’re taking a closer look at how to make the most of the materials in our phones when they reach the end of their useful lives.…

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