Fairphone 2 reviewed: See what the press is saying!
When pre-orders started in July last year, our amazing community began placing their orders for the Fairphone 2 – without ever physically seeing or touching it. We were blown away by your support, but most people require a bit more information before they decide to buy a phone.
Over the last months, we’ve been sending out the Fairphone 2 for media and press reviews. So far, we’ve been overwhelmed and delighted by the coverage. But don’t take it from us – have a look at what the media has been saying about the Fairphone 2.
The ethical Fairphone 2: changing the supply chain for the better
“Fairphone’s ethical principles are myriad, and its dedication to sourcing conflict-free minerals arguably leads the way in the mobile phone sector… A small Netherlands social enterprise with 40 staff, Fairphone is punching above its weight in its efforts to change the mobile phone industry.” Read full review

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“Once you have got the case off, that’s when you start to see why the Fairphone is anything but an average Android. Inside you’ll find a replaceable battery, which gladdens my heart no end. And, rather than the usual gruff ‘opening your phone will void your warranty’ you’re used to seeing, there’s the rather sweet message: ‘yours to open, yours to keep’.” Read full review

Fairphoners opening Fairphone 2 prototypes in London
Modular, futuristic phone

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“The modular design is Fairphone 2’s main selling point, especially given the smartphone sector has been promising – but failing to deliver – one for several years.” Read full review
“In the end, the modular phone seems like a real taste of the future. Let’s hope the idea generates enough interest with consumers: if so, it could mark the start of an important shift in the industry and lead to longer-lasting, more environmentally friendly devices that won’t cost the earth.” Read full review

Daria demonstrates the Fairphone 2 at Dutch Design Week
Easy to repair and maker-friendly

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“If you’re frustrated by replacing your phone when the battery gradually starts failing or the screen gets scratched, this device could be for you… Repairing a screen for example, takes as little as 23 seconds.” Read full review
“And the best bit about it? When the battery life inevitably begins to dwindle after a couple of years of use, a new battery can be ordered from Fairphone.” Read full review
Longer-lasting to break the upgrade cycle

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“By allowing users to swap out components of their smartphone — the screen or headphone jack, for example — if they break or need an upgrade, Fairphone hopes that owners will be able to keep their phones for far longer than the traditional two-year upgrade cycle without feeling like they’re suffering as a consequence. Result: fewer old handsets ending up in landfill.” Read full review
“Fairphone 2 manages to appeal to those looking for a phone that has been responsibly produced, and goes against the endless upgrade cycle we’re being sucked into by other manufacturers.” Read full review
This is just a selection of some of the reviews of the Fairphone 2. We’ve also had reviews in a variety of languages from German and French to Dutch and Norwegian. For more coverage, follow our forum thread where the community has been curating a list of reviews.