Social Assessment Program begins at our manufacturer Hi-P


In October 2014, four team members of TAOS, our assessment partner, visited the facilities of Hi-P, the production partner for the next Fairphone. They spent three days on factory walkthroughs,…

Fairphone 3+: Now with fairer magnets


We are excited to announce our latest step towards a fairer future: there is now 100% recycled neodymium in our speakers and 90% recycled neodymium in our vibration motor! “That’s…

Creating a better working environment with Broadway


Late last year, we introduced you to Broadway – the manufacturer making the slim cases for the Fairphone 2. After creating a shortlist of potential suppliers, we decided to work with…

Three Years in the Making: Road to a Fairer Phone


Three years ago, we started Fairphone as a campaign with a simple but lofty goal: to create the world’s first completely fair smartphone. This year's phone is the first step towards…

How we got Fairtrade certified gold in the Fairphone 2 supply chain


Smartphones contain dozens of minerals sourced from every corner of the globe, including gold, which is commonly used in printed circuit boards (PCBs) as well as other wiring and components…

Repairing the new Fairbuds


We’re so proud of the Fairbuds, our first fully modular earbuds that are all about premium sound, designed to last. With seven replaceable parts, removable batteries in the earbuds…

Building our Marketing/Communications Team: Introducing Gabriel


For the longest time, I was a proud owner of a Nokia 3310, well into the new millenium. What can I say, Snake II is by far the best mobile phone game ever developed. But as time went…

Fairphone 2014: A year in review


As the cold December weather arrives, it’s an excellent reminder to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of 2014. This year has been full of events, trips, projects, press coverage…

Second batch delivery begins


The second batch delivery has officially begun! On Monday 21 July, the first phones arrived at the distribution center in the Netherlands. Beginning Tuesday 22 July and throughout the…

DroidCon Berlin: Fairphone’s Open Operating System


Wanna play this game to win a new phone? Do you have an NFC-compatible phone? Um, errr, I'm not su--- Huh?? You don't know, well what phone do you have? Uh, an iPhone. WHAT!? Thus…

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