Climate Action

The time for climate action is now and avoiding carbon emissions through longer lasting smartphones is an important step in the right direction. But we can't stop there.


Here’s the deal: Phones are disrupting the climate

1.5 Billion (that’s 1500 million) smartphones are sold globally each year. And taking 1 new phone from the Earth’s ground, takes the same amount of energy as using one for an entire decade! If we dare to dream about a phone that would last that long.

Most people are persuaded to get a newer shinier model after about 3 years. That’s a lot of carbon emissions created through new phone production, transportation, usage, and waste, ultimately polluting planet Earth.

We have a unique chance to take the first step in disrupting this cycle of make-use-dispose.


Avoiding CO2 emissions

Fairphone initiatives for a healthier planet

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Recycling Materials
We take back old phones to keep them in play

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Carbon Neutral
Fairphone products are shipped sustainably

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Repairable Design
Phones designed to be fixed, save us from buying new stuff


Here’s how we’re tackling the climate crisis

   Planting trees is not enough. We must reduce CO2 emissions.


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Start at home

Change the way the Fairphone office in Amsterdam is using energy. By the end of this year (2022!), we’re set to reduce carbon emissions created from things like heating by 100% (scope 2 emissions).


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Do it together

Suppliers help us realize all the good stuff inside our phones. By getting our suppliers, and our suppliers’ suppliers, and our suppliers suppliers’ suppliers, to use renewable energy to produce our phones, puts our Net Zero goal in view (scope 3 emissions).


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Hack the system

Think about all the people, processes and actors involved when making, selling, using, fixing, recycling a phone, and all the energy each process take. Setting specific targets to each small part of these systems aims to track carbon emissions so we keep on top of it (scope 3 emissions).


Designing for the Future

A phone built to last has a far lower yearly carbon footprint than a phone designed to be replaced after 2 years. To be specific: 75% of all emissions come from a phone’s production. So just by keeping your phone for 5 instead of 3 years, you’re saving more than 30% of a phone’s CO2 emissions per year from going into the earth’s atmosphere.

And fear not. Next time your Fairphone falls flat on its face, you also don’t need to buy a new one. Our phones are modular, so you can easily open them up and replace only what is broken. Spare part production creates significantly less CO2 than phone production, meaning you can use your phone for a lot longer. After just 33 days of additional use from a cracked screen your CO2 emissions are already offset.

That’s why we design the Fairphone 4 for easy repairs and back it up with a 5 year warranty. Together, we can tackle the climate crisis, one phone at a time!

Reducing CO2

The time for climate action is now and avoiding carbon emissions through longer lasting smartphones is an important step in the right direction, but we can’t stop there.

Net Zero means doing all we can to get renewable energies implemented into the making of electronics and reducing our carbon footprint. We are committed to being a part of the solution.



Our commitment: Net Zero by 2045

We as Fairphone have set ourselves a high ambition – to reach Net Zero by 2045. This is enormous. Small organisations like ours rarely have a direct influence on 98% of our carbon emissions.

About 2% of our emissions can be reduced with immediate effect: from things like changing the way we heat our office in Amsterdam or creating public transport initiatives. Now here’s the tricky part. Going Net Zero means to address 98% scope 3 of emissions related to our business caused by outside organizations that help us make our phones.

Collaborating with these organizations on making ethical choices requires a lot of work. We have to convince them of the benefits of going green, and help them implement what that could look like for them.

Making waves like this is momentous. Though it’s not like Fairphone has ever shied away from a challenge before. And we’re not about to start now.



Let’s get into it: Our Future Targets


The Science Based Targets initiative only approves fixed targets for small and medium-sized enterprises for scope 1 and 2 according to the base year of a company’s greenhouse gas inventory.

Therefore we don’t have the possibility to get targets which are more ambitious or on scope 3 approved. Still, we used the requirements of the SBTi to be in line with the 1.5 degree pathway of the Paris Agreement to additionally set more ambitious scope 1 and 2 targets and a scope 3 target.

Our SBTi approved target is: Fairphone commits to reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year, and to measure and reduce its scope 3 emissions.




Meet our champion in CO2 emission avoidance


Fairphone 4

Fairphone 4

Sustainable. Long-lasting. Fair.

  • Best in the world in avoiding CO2 emissions
  • Fair and recycled materials
  • Good for people & planet
  • 5-year warranty* for maximum longevity
  • E-waste neutral

Meet Fairphone 4


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