

An Update on Fairphone 2


Well friends, it is time. *Cue the music* After an unprecedented seven years of supporting our beloved Fairphone 2, we will finally stop software support for the Fairphone 2. After March 2023, we will no longer deliver software updates for the Fairphone 2.

This is an incredibly bittersweet moment: the Fairphone 2 has far surpassed our initial hopes to offer three to five years of software support, but in an ideal world, we would be able to support our devices indefinitely. The Fairphone 2 makes it clear how far we have come, and how far we still have to go.

 But let’s jump to the recipe: what does this mean for Fairphone 2 owners? It’s important to us that you are all informed of possible impacts well ahead of time.


What does this mean for active Fairphone 2 users?

 In March 2023, we will share a final Fairphone 2 software update for Android 10. After this is installed, users can continue to use their device as normal. However, in terms of software support, that will be the final update. If there is a bug that users hope will be fixed, that won’t happen anymore. 


Will it be safe to continue using the Fairphone 2?

From March 2023 onwards, the device will start lagging behind in terms of security updates, so the device will become more insecure over time. We recommend that you avoid using apps that access sensitive data after May 2023; if there is a severe vulnerability that the Fairphone 2 is susceptible to, we won’t be able to fix it. 

Some security-critical apps – like banking apps – will, over time, view the device as out of date and stop running entirely. This is likely to be a few years away, but it is app dependent, so hard to know when it could happen. Regular apps will continue to run for years to come. 


Will spare parts for the Fairphone 2 still be available?

 We have a limited supply of some spare parts available in our webshop, including display modules. These will help to keep your Fairphone 2 going even longer. We expect to be able to continue offering this hardware for as long as supplies last or as long as we have a reasonable amount of active users.

Some spare parts are no longer available to purchase, such as the bottom module, which are only available for devices still in warranty.

 Obviously, in our ideal, indefinite-support world, we’d have spare parts for as long as needed, without running into electronic waste or supply chain issues, but we’re not quite there yet!


What options do Fairphone 2 owners have now?

This doesn’t have to be the end of your Fairphone 2. After March 2023, you’ll have a few options of what to do with your Fairphone 2:

Keep using the device

You can keep using the Fairphone 2 as normal, but at your own risk. Or, if you’re an experienced user interested in installing an Android alternative, we would recommend you learn more about alternative operating systems like /e/OS and LineageOS, which are still actively supported.

 Use it in offline mode

Switch your Fairphone 2 to flight mode to make sure it’s safe from security concerns that come with being online, then continue enjoying the remaining services the device can safely offer – like the camera, music player, offline games and photo gallery.

 Send your Fairphone 2 to our Reuse & Recycling Program

 If you decide that now is the time to wish your Fairphone 2 a fond farewell, you can send it to our Reuse and Recycling Program. As a thank you for returning your device to the circular loop, if you register your device with our program 31 March 2023, we’ll gift you a 50EUR voucher for the Fairphone webshop.


Recycle your Fairphone 2


How can you keep your Fairphone 2 going?

Do you want to keep your phone going for as long as possible? Fairphone users are pretty amazing (as you would know!), and our online community is a great resource for tips. Go to our marketplace and forum to learn what our community has to say on increasing the longevity of your phone. We’ve also shared some tips on how to make your Fairphone 2 last longer in a blog post here.

 And to all of you…

 This is just the beginning in a long line of farewells to active support for the Fairphone 2; we hope you’re comfortable receiving compliments, because over the next few months a lot of them are coming your way – starting now!

 Fairphone 2 users have been through it all with us: huge successes (Modularity! Seven years!) and real failures (Supply issues with spare parts, hold the exclamation point). You have repaired and replaced, upgraded and updated, and lived the Fairphone vision in your everyday life for seven years.

You made the ordinary extraordinary, proving that product longevity is a real, viable choice that is better for people and planet. Thank you. Thank you for being a part of the Fairphone journey, and for choosing Fairphone to be a part of yours. 

If you would like to bid adieu to your Fairphone 2 and send it for recycling before 31 March 2023, we’ll gift you 50EUR for our web shop – where you can get a new Fairphone to replace your well-used Fairphone 2. Let’s continue to build a fairer future together.


Get your 50EUR voucher



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