
Good Working Conditions

Your phone isn’t born in a store: Meet the makers

Good Working Conditions

Your phone and its materials have been handled hundreds of times by hundreds of people. They’re more than an assembly line: meet the Makers. 

Unboxing a new phone is a great feeling. It’s shiny and fresh and all yours. It’s sealed, clean, and pristine. It’s not necessarily the most obvious moment to reflect on your phone’s journey from dusty mines and busy factories to your hand. But here at Fairphone, that’s exactly what this moment means: your phone is the culmination of a massive team effort, spanning the globe and crossing cultures. That brief, pleasing moment of unboxing is the final baton pass in a long relay line of individuals working together to create something. 

Helping people to understand and appreciate the human connection within our technology is what Fairphone is all about. We want the world to see what happens behind the screens. We want to take you on a journey into our supply chain and introduce you to Fairphone’s secret spark: the Makers. 

There are people who made your phone. When you buy a Fairphone, you can look them in the eye.

We’ve got exciting news about how every Fairphone purchase directly helps these workers to earn a living wage, improve conditions in their factory, and how we’re rewarding progress in worker satisfaction. We’ll also be sharing more behind-the-scenes footage from your Fairphone’s infancy.

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