Fair Materials 101 – Understanding the Fair Sourcing game


Maybe I’ve spent too much time playing board games in lockdown, but I’m starting to see similarities between my favorite games and my daily work at Fairphone. I’m focused on creating…

Een leefbaar loon betalen in de elektronica productieketen


Voor velen van ons is december een periode waarin we onze portemonnee en ons budget nauwlettend in de gaten moeten houden – zeker in een tijd waarin COVID-19 de wereldeconomie de…

Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?


After two years of designing and prototyping and endless development meetings, I am immensely proud to finally unveil to the world the brand new Fairphone 5. The team at Fairphone has…

We’ve reached 100,000 Fairphone owners!


Nearly three years ago, we started a crowdfunding campaign to finance the creation of our first-ever phone. We had a modest goal of selling 5,000... and they flew off the virtual shelves…

Paying living wage in the electronic supply chain


For many of us, December is a time where we have to watch our wallets and budget carefully - especially this year, as COVID-19 wreaks havoc on the global economy. But for many more…

Existenzsichernde Löhne in der Elektronikbranche


Jedes Jahr im Dezember müssen viele von uns auf ihren Geldbeutel achten. Das gilt dieses Jahr noch einmal mehr als sonst, da die Covid-Maßnahmen weltweit verheerenden wirtschaftlichen…

How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5


We are very proud that with the Fairphone 5, we have also launched our fairest battery yet. Possibly even the fairest smartphone battery on the market - at least based on the information…

#stayconnected: Long-distance grandparenting


I had been looking forward to visiting my grandma up north for weeks. We’d been exchanging texts and images, anticipating having a chat and a laugh, after not seeing each other for…

First Worker Welfare Fund proposal approved


For factory workers at our production partner Guohong, this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival (also called the Moon Festival) coincides with the outcome of the first Worker Welfare Fund…

Eneloop: A 2,100 kilometer hike for a greener future


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