Eneloop: A 2,100 kilometer hike for a greener future


Fairphone Video Tutorials


We realize that many of you are still waiting for your phones. So, we're posting a daily update on figures to our blog and apologize for the long wait - we know it must be hard after…

Meet the Makers: The people behind your Fairphone


I’d like to introduce you to just a few of the people who make the Fairphone 3: Xu Shang Chao, Li Su Fang, and Zhao Hui Li. They all work at Arima (our final assembly partner) in…

Made with Care: Social Assessment Report


In our earlier blogs on choosing and selecting a production partner, I discussed how Fairphone wants to take a different approach in our relationships with production partners. Fairphone…

10 Lessons We Learned in 2023


No two years are the same when you're trying to shake things up like we are. But 2023 really was a special one. It marked a decade of change, a decade of challenging the status quo…

Fairphone just went platinum… again!


We are super excited and proud to share that EcoVadis has awarded Fairphone Platinum status, and we have received the highest score ever in our industry. EcoVadis is the global standard…

7 Tips For A Healthier, Happier Battery


Did you know, one of the leading reasons why people decide to buy a new phone is a dying battery? That adds up, because a battery on its last legs can directly impact the performance…

Let’s talk about Fairphone’s work in the Congo.


There has been a lot of social media buzz over the last few weeks on a myriad of issues related to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from child labor issues to conflict minerals.…

Repairing the Fairphone 4


Getting stuck carrying out repairs on your Fairphone 4? Here's a list of easy-to-follow DIY repair videos to get your Fairphone 4 back online at a 100% in a few minutes. The Fairphone…

Production and Distribution Update


Here are the numbers we can share on phone distribution. We'll be posting updates every working day. We'll only give updates on how many phones have been shipped. (más…)

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