Fair Materials 101 – Understanding the Fair Sourcing game


Maybe I’ve spent too much time playing board games in lockdown, but I’m starting to see similarities between my favorite games and my daily work at Fairphone. I’m focused on creating…

We’re stopping Fairphone Easy… for now.


It is with a heavy heart that we have taken the not-so-easy decision to discontinue Fairphone Easy… at the moment, at least.  Fairphone Easy’s phone-as-a-service subscription…

What are Cobalt Credits?


How Fairphone and the Impact Facility (TIF) developed a new system to enable investment into improving working conditions of artisanal cobalt miners in DR Congo. As part of our engagement…

“The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.”


That's what iFixit founder and CEO Kyle Wiens thinks after tracking Fairphone's journey over the last ten years. Read what he has to say about Fairphone's transformative impact on the…

How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5


We are very proud that with the Fairphone 5, we have also launched our fairest battery yet. Possibly even the fairest smartphone battery on the market - at least based on the information…

We need to fix Black Friday. And the industry.


Here we are again, in the middle of annual Black Friday madness. It’s hard to pass up a good deal this time of the year, isn't it? However, for me, it really is time to take a good,…

We Need A Revolution


As November rolls around, I find myself soul-searching again. With over a decade in this industry, the overwhelming avalanche of Black Friday deals and consumerist hype around this…

Digging deep for responsible aluminum


You probably don’t think about aluminum a lot. We do - it's one of our 14 focus materials. But we really dug deep when we decided the Fairphone 4 was going to have an aluminum case…

How can “Fair Sourcing” change the electronics industry?


At Fairphone, we get lots of questions. From “how much does the Fairphone 3 cost?” to “what is the current approach to the living wage in China?”, there’s a constant flow…

Paying living wage in the electronic supply chain


For many of us, December is a time where we have to watch our wallets and budget carefully - especially this year, as COVID-19 wreaks havoc on the global economy. But for many more…

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