iFixit Guest Blog: Important Notes to Take From Fairphone’s Design Team


Last week at iFixit we did a teardown of the Fairphone 4, which earned an exceedingly rare 10/10 on our repairability scale. During that teardown, I was impressed with many of the decisions…

Three Years in the Making: Road to a Fairer Phone


Three years ago, we started Fairphone as a campaign with a simple but lofty goal: to create the world’s first completely fair smartphone. This year's phone is the first step towards…

Made with Care: Social Assessment Report


In our earlier blogs on choosing and selecting a production partner, I discussed how Fairphone wants to take a different approach in our relationships with production partners. Fairphone…

Taking Back Phones for a Circular Economy: E-waste in Ghana


Editor's Note: For this week's blog post, our community manager Joe sat down with Bibi (Research and Outreach) to talk about our ambition to address the full life cycle of the phone.…

Guest Blog: The Restart Project on FP Repairability


Editor's Note: What's the "repairability" of the first Fairphone? In this guest post, Ugo Valluari, co-founder of The Restart Project, discusses his team's analysis and teardown of…

Apple thinks modularity hinders device longevity. We don’t.


In a recent interview, Apple’s new head of hardware, John Ternus, was asked whether it would be conceivable to make iPhones even more modular and make them as easy to repair as a…

What is device longevity?


It’s that time of the year again. Black Friday madness is almost upon us, and brands have started to go into overdrive with the deepest discounts and price slashing. There’s one…

Supply chain stories: What happened with our phone displays


Phone screens break sometimes. Even when designed to be durable, and lovingly cared for by their owners, sometimes a phone just gets unlucky. The glass is tough, but not unbreakable…

How sustainable is the Fairphone 2?


By combining modular architecture with spare parts and easy repairs, we designed the Fairphone 2 to last longer than the average smartphone. And logically, a longer-lasting phone should…

Rethinking plastic waste


Here at Fairphone, we envision a circular economy, where resources are used and reused in an infinite loop. So we're examining every step of our phone's life cycle and finding ways…

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