
Fair Materials

This is our fairest battery yet.

Fair Materials

Your smartphone is only as good as your battery. And the Fairphone 5’s battery is better than the best. It’s technically on point of course. With a capacity of 4200 mAh and 30W fast charging capabilities, you can juice up your Fairphone faster than ever before. And if you still have charge anxiety, the Fairphone 5’s battery is swappable and user-replaceable, meaning you can go from zero to hundred in seconds as long as you’re carrying a spare.

But the real magic is inside. What makes it stand apart from all other smartphone batteries is how it’s made. This is our fairest battery yet. In fact, Angela Jorns, our Fair Materials and Mining lead, goes as far to say this is probably the fairest battery on the market right now. Get the full lowdown on why it reflects peak battery innovation, green technology and modular design.

You can check out the new Fairphone 5 here. Designed for you. Made fair.

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