

Meet the changemakers: Juliëtte Schraauwers


We’re on a journey to change the electronics industry – and we’re not alone. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the possibility of change, it also happens to be a great storytelling device that connects us with inspiring changemakers from all over.
In this series, we want to shine a light on our Fairphone Ambassadors: A group of bright individuals that share our vision of a fairer future and contribute to sustainable change in their own meaningful way. Next up is Juliëtte!


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do?

Be the change – this inspires me every day to do just that. My name is Juliëtte Schraauwers, I am a ReGenerative entrepreneur of two businesses NOWSCHOOL & Brand it forward. I am on a mission to teach people to care for the earth so that the earth can also take care of us. I’ve been fortunate enough to receive a few nominations and awards, that show I’m on the right path; For example the ‘Freelancer of the Year Award’ for the category design, or being mentioned in the Sustainable Young 100 list of 2020 and included as a Triodos Verbeteraar of 2021. You can follow my sustainable journey as a ‘Freedom Millionaire’ on Instagram and YouTube.

How did you first learn about Fairphone?

I am always looking for ways to live a more holistic life, that includes everything I use in my life. From sustainable food to building an eco-friendly home. I was one of the early followers of Fairphone, and was especially moved by the story of Bas van Abel on the Dutch Documentary ‘Tegenlicht’. I remember thinking; Finally, someone is crazy enough to change this industry!

What is a turning point in your life that made you act/think more sustainably?

To be honest, I don’t remember ever being any different. I’ve been interested in living sustainably all my life, even at a very young age. I do admit that going through school I learned to become more of a ‘mass-consumer’ – but luckily I found my true purpose again years later. You can’t deny the true you…

What is something you’re super passionate about?

I am super passionate about education. I truly believe we have to start educating the generation of tomorrow to live and lead a sustainable life together and in harmony with the earth. Education is the future, Children are the future. At the moment we ‘use’ 3,3 earths per year instead of just 1. We are consuming the earth, which makes us the problem. And that actually gives me hope. Because it also makes us the solution to all the world’s problems. We just have to start learning how to be the solution and start to regenerate the earth and ourselves.

What is something you can’t live without

Mother Earth 🙂

What is a tip you give people to live more sustainably?

Look at the larger context and how everything is connected by asking the right questions.
By changing your inner world, you will change your outer world. What do you really need to live your life? Is it more stuff, unhealthy food, stress, and a big house? Or is it love, adventure, nature, healing food, and friends?
ask yourself WHY.

Can you show us your 3 favorite photos and tell us why?


1) Circle of stones: I made this picture while I was on vacation. One day I was on the beach and felt like creating art with nature. I started collecting stones and slowly and suddenly people passed by and started helping to make a beautiful stone spiral.


2) Mushroom wall: I am always looking for ways to live more sustainably and I am actually building an eco-friendly home on a former campground. This picture shows a wall made of mushrooms/fungi which is a very sustainable material that I am sure we will see more of in the future. I like to pioneer and see how we can integrate these kinds of ’new materials’ into our home. I did not find a place for this fungi wall yet 😉


3) Green School Bali: When I visited Green School Bali for the first time I totally fell In love with the way kids learned about the real world. Right then and there I committed myself to the dream of starting a similar sustainable school in The Netherlands. Now we are 3 years down the road, and this year we are going to start with a weekend Pop-up school called NOWSCHOOL.


How does Fairphone and using the Fairphone 3+ help you do what you do?

Inspire others to do the same. Be the change also means being an example to the people around you. That is how it helps me to grow in a more sustainable world.

Do you have some insider tips for using the Fairphone 3/3+?

Use it to make a change, show people how you make a change in the world.
I was just thinking the other day how incredibly powerful a modern-day smartphone can be. You can reach out to people, inspire them, show them there is a different more sustainable way of living. If you are able to use your phone in this way it can make such an amazing positive impact in the world.


You can follow Juliëtte and the impact she is making on Instagram @julietteschraauwers.  or on her Youtube Channel. For more on Juliëtte, and our other Fairphone Ambassadors, stay tuned to this blog or head on over to our community page.

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