

Fairphone in the news: Best of 2019


At Fairphone, we spend lots of our time sharing our story with the world… So sometimes it’s nice to sit back and let someone else do the talking. Want to see what others are saying about Fairphone? Have a look at some of our favorite press coverage from 2019.

The Fairphone 3

Our brand-new phone generated lots of enthusiastic reviews, like from Wired UK, who proclaimed that “The Fairphone 3 actually has 2019 smartphone specs”! They also took the time to take a closer look at the fair initiatives that make our phone stand out from the rest. A few other stand-out articles included:

The Guardian: “The most ethical and repairable phone you can buy”

Engadget: “Fairphone 3 is the ethical smartphone you might actually buy”

TechCrunch: “iFixit gives Fairphone 2 a perfect 10 for repairability”

The Verge: “Fairphone updates its ethical smartphone for 2019”

Forbes: “How Fairphone beats Apple, Samsung and the rest with the world’s most sustainable phone”

Fast Company: “This startup is radically changing how smartphones are built”


More reviews from around the world

We sell our phones all over Europe, so it’s no surprise that we got coverage in a variety of languages! In Germany, Utopia reviewed the Fairphone 3, saying “Reparierbares Smartphone jetzt noch besser lieferbar”. And YouTuber iKnow Review showed off the highlights of the Fairphone 3 in his video. In France, Les numeriques asked if our phone offered “la juste combinaison d’éthique, de performances et de durabilité?” while in the Netherlands, Tweakers completed an in-depth review, and concluded that the Fairphone 3 is “de meest repareerbare smartphone”.


Making an impact

Our people and planet-focused efforts got quite a bit of love as part of the coverage about our new phone, but every now and then, the conversation turned solely to impact. For example, in their article about our living wage bonus for factory employees, Trusted Reviews stated that “Fairphone just did something Apple and Samsung should copy”. In the UK, CIPS shared news about how we’re overhauling our ethical gold supply chain. And in the Netherlands, the Volkskrant had an in-depth feature on all the issues behind your smartphone (and how they can be improved), entitled “Uw smartphone richt nogal wat schade aan: kan dat niet eerlijker en duurzamer?”

Our story continues in 2020, as we’re currently working on exciting new developments. If you want to be the first one to know our latest news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter.

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