

Fairphone 3 Launch Events: Behind the Scenes


It’s finally sinking in: the Fairphone 3 is HERE. The long hours and sleepless nights have been worth it to see the phone that dares to care become a reality. The launch on August 27th wasn’t just about revealing our most ambitious phone yet; it was also a good, old-fashioned celebration of all the people that made the Fairphone 3 possible.

 “Change is in your hands” – All smiles at our launch event in Berlin.

Spreading the news

Dozens of members of the press attended our launch event in Berlin, with many more joining the press conference via streaming. The Fairphone team hosted informational talks, Q&As, and gave plenty of interviews. It’s been really exciting to watch the news spread: more than 1,600 different articles have been published about the Fairphone 3 in the week since we launched!

Press highlights

WIRED: “The Fairphone 3 actually has 2019 smartphone specs

Forbes: “How Fairphone Beats Apple, Samsung And The Rest With The World’s Most Sustainable Phone

Fastcompany: “This startup is radically changing how smartphones are built

GizmodoWhy you should care about the Fairphone

Engadget “Fairphone 3 is the ‘ethical’ smartphone you might actually buy

Tweakers NLFairphone 3 review – the most repairable smartphone

Highlights from our launch events

The Fairphone 3 launch was a lot more than just a press conference: it was also a perfect opportunity to show our gratitude to our partners and our community. On the evening of our launch, we held a special event in Berlin for our commercial partners and impact stakeholders (people who have partnered up directly to increase Fairphone’s on-the-ground impact).

A couple of days later, on August 29th, we reunited with some familiar faces: our beloved community members who had previously come to visit our HQ during the EFCT19 (the European Fairphoners Community Trip to Amsterdam). Not only was it a great chance to reconnect with old friends and partners, we also got to meet with a group of special stakeholders to highlight our strategic partnership with KPN and Belsimpel.

Take a look behind the scenes of our launch events in Berlin and Amsterdam.

We owe it to you

We want to take a moment to pause, breathe deeply, and reflect with gratitude. The Fairphone 3 is here because of YOU: our team, community, shareholders, ambassadors, crowdfunders, and supporters of Fairphone. Thank you for spreading the news and for helping us create a buzz around this launch. We simply can’t say it enough: none of this would be possible without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We’ve got a long road ahead of us, but you give us the strength to keep working for a fairer future.

Find out what all the fuss is about: check out the new Fairphone 3 >

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