

What’s next for Android 7 on Fairphone 2?


June update

We’re happy to announce that our June software update (19.05.3) is now available for the Fairphone 2. It was rolled out on June 4th, so please make sure to check your Fairphone 2 updater app and install the latest version.


The latest software maintenance update for the Fairphone 2 (19.05.3) is now ready for you to install. 

Together with external partners, our own software team is going the extra mile to develop software maintenance updates, providing security patches and bugfixes for the Android 7 release on the Fairphone 2. It has been a challenging task, but a crucial one in acknowledging the role software plays in smartphone longevity. We’ve already started to work on the next fixes, so more news to follow.

February update

Making good on our promise of continued support, the February maintenance update (19.02.1) provides security patches and improvements, including the fix for the ‘power off’ issue. Interested in the details? You can find the release notes, including security fixes on the dedicated support page.

When we launched Android 7 for Fairphone 2 last year, it was a really big deal for us: not only was it the second major OS update for Fairphone 2, it’s also the only phone on the market with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 chipset to successfully achieve this upgrade.

Keeping up with up-to-date

We’re very pleased that we are able to make Android 7 available with our existing hardware. However, the work doesn’t stop there. To uphold our commitment to long-lasting design, we also want to keep offering you security and bug fixes. But the longer we work with this chipset, the more challenging the maintenance becomes. What we’re doing right now has become a serious research and development operation in uncharted waters, rather than predictable maintenance.

We’ve got dedicated resources continuing Android 7 development, and slowly but surely, we are making progress towards an update. At this point, we can’t yet be certain when and how often those updates will come your way. If you’re experiencing any issues after the update, please consult our list of known issues on the bugtracker.

Thank you for bearing with us, and for being part of this journey to prove that smartphone longevity is possible – even if it requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. We’ll continue to do everything we can to improve your Fairphone 2 experience and will keep you up-to-date on significant developments.

Learn more about Android 7 for Fairphone 2 here.

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