

A message from our CEO Eva Gouwens


In these tense and uncertain times, I want to extend warm wishes to each of you in the Fairphone community.

Every day, the situation evolves, and so many of the things we once took for granted have now been put on hold. But even as this coronavirus spreads across the world, it’s never been clearer: we are all in this together.

As Fairphone’s CEO, I want to update you directly on some challenges we’re facing and the measures we’re taking.

Our main priority has, of course, been the safety of our staff, family, business partners and community. We are following all recommended guidelines, have closed our office, and are working from home for as long as necessary.

Like so many of you, we’re now doing our best to conduct business as usual, despite the circumstances. We have plenty of the Fairphone 3 in stock and available in our webshop. Many of our national partners also have stock available in their online stores. That being said, we do expect to face delivery delays with our shipping partners, as restrictions around Europe continue to fluctuate. We anticipate having slower sales over the coming months as the situation develops and our retail partners close their physical store locations.

Our main repair center in France is currently closed. Any Fairphones that hadn’t yet been processed are being carefully stored until it is safe for the center to reopen. However, our customer support team is fully operational and if you have any questions about your phone or a recent order, they are happy to help you.

As we adjust to this strange new reality, I am so deeply grateful for our Fairphone community. Over the years, you have stood by our side, cheered us on, and helped us overcome some serious challenges. I can’t say “thank you” enough! In these trying times, we must support each other as we always have, and find resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Continue to hope. Stay connected to one another. Stay strong. Stay safe.

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